Coach Pitch - Ages 7-8

Sample Practice Plans

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Sample Practice Plans - Softball

Program Outcomes / Skills

 Throughout the course of the season, coaches should work to deliver age-appropriate skills (program outcomes) for each player and as a team.

Ages: 7-8 (Coach Pitch)

Program Outcome / Skill

  • Knows field of play (bases, infield, outfield)
  • Understands ball in play (fair vs. foul)
    • Swing attempts (5 pitches or 3 swings + 2 swings off the tee)
    • Safely dropping the bat
  • Understands out vs. safe
    • Force outs, tagged runners, fly ball outs
  • Understands pitch outcomes
    • Strikes, balls, foul balls, fair balls
  • Understands basic baserunning


  • Knows infield positions (including catcher)
  • Knows outfield positions


  • Uses the correct hand
  • Grips the ball correctly
  • Makes eye contact with throwing partner / keeps eyes on target throughout throw
  • Understands basic throwing motion
    • Glove foot forward
    • Arm motion / body positioning
    • Release point & follow through


  • Uses the correct hand
  • Makes eye contact with throwing partner / follows the ball, eyes open throughout catch
  • Demonstrates proper body positioning
    • Square to partner, glove foot slightly forward, glove up ready to catch
  • Uses the glove to catch
    • No bare (throwing) hand
    • Fingers up or fingers down
  • Catches the ball on glove side and across the body
    • Moves glove to ball in flight
    • Attempts to catch / squeezes glove


  • Demonstrates ready position
  • Follows the ball from bat to glove
  • Moves body to the ball while in play
  • Demonstrates proper body positioning when fielding ground balls
    • Glove foot slightly forward, knees bent, hands out
    • Glove hand down, throwing hand on top
  • Demonstrates proper body positioning when fielding flyballs
    • Glove foot slightly forward, knees bent, hands above head
    • Hands away from face, throwing hand bracing glove
    • Tracks the ball above the glove
    • No basket catches
  • Transitions from fielding to throwing


  • Demonstrates proper batting stance
    • Feet and hands positioned correctly
    • Eyes on the pitcher
  • Tracks ball from pitcher's hand to the bat
  • Demonstrates proper swing technique
    • Keeps both hands on the bat
    • Rotates torso and hips
    • Keeps both feet on the ground, does not spin
  • Safely drops the bat after hitting and runs to first base


  • Runs to and through 1st base on batted ball
  • Waits for fair ball, ball on the ground, to advance
  • Runs in straight line to the base
  • Listens to coach while running bases
    • Stops, when appropriate, at 2nd and 3rd base
    • Advances, when appropriate, at all bases
    • Runs through home plate
  • Does not pass other players on the bases
  • Leaves the bases when called out
 Misc. Skills
  • Follows batting order (listens to coaches)
  • Safely waits to bat (on-deck circle)
  • Pays attention while on defense