Denver Parks and Recreation Customer Code of Conduct
It is the policy of Denver Parks & Recreation (DPR) to provide safe and enjoyable spaces for all customers
This policy outlines what conduct is acceptable while in recreation centers, pools or participating in a recreation program. [VIEW FULL POLICY]
- Respect the rights and privileges of all persons at all times.
- Comply with requests from staff.
- Comply with any rules of the facility, activity or event.
- Conduct that disrupts or obstructs an activity or event is prohibited.
- Lewd, obscene or indecent conduct or expression, including profanity, harassment, discrimination, intimidation, threats or offensive language and/or behavior is prohibited.
- Action, which in the judgement of staff, constitutes an attempt or intent to inflict injury to other customers and/or staff is prohibited.
- Destruction or damage to a Denver Parks & Recreation facility or property or theft of any property is prohibited.
- Possession or consumption of drugs (including marijuana) or alcohol, is prohibited within a recreation facility, pool, playground or parking lot.
For the safety of the member, the staff, and other patrons, anyone who appears impaired or intoxicated will not be allowed into the center or may be asked to leave.
- Possession of weapons is prohibited, including both open and concealed carry of firearms. This restriction shall not apply to a person abiding by all other federal, state, and local laws and who is:
- A law enforcement officer, as defined in DRMC 38-116
- An active-duty member of the Unites States Armed Forces and acting in performance of their duties
- Licensed by the city as a security guard with a firearms endorsement and acting in performance of their duties.
Weapon means any item, instrument, device or noxious substance that, in the manner it is used, intended to be used, or threatened to be used is capable of inflicting bodily harm or physical damage, including but not limited to sling shots, blackjacks, nunchaku, gas or mechanically operated guns, brass knuckles or artificial knuckles, illegal knives, knives having a blade greater than three and on-half (3 1/2) inches in length, firearms, assault weapons, non-serialized firearms, and incendiary or explosive devices.
Denver Parks and Recreation Youth Sports Mission Statement
To deliver quality, inclusive youth sports programs that teach fundamentals and skill development while building memorable life lessons, confidence, and respect for self and others in a safe, fun environment.
Denver Parks and Recreation Youth Sports Core Values
Fun, Safety, Teamwork, Sportsmanship, Confidence, Education, Honesty, Integrity, and Respect for Self and Others
Denver Parks and Recreation Youth Sports Sportsmanship Rules
- Managers, coaches, players, parents, and spectators will not attempt to instruct, taunt, threaten or in any way verbally or physically abuse a referee/official, site staff, coach, player, or member of the Youth Sports team before, during or after any game.
- Any unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, and/or spectators is not allowed before, during or after any game. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the game, as directed by the official or DPR Staff.
- Ejection from a game for any rule infraction may result in immediate removal from the facility, as directed by the official or DPR Staff.
- Ejection from a game for any rule infraction will result in suspension from the team’s next scheduled game, and may result in suspension from practice or attending other DPR Youth Sports activities at the discretion of DPR Staff.
- Failure to comply with departmental policies and Code of Ethics may result in probation/termination.
- If a player, manager, coach, or assistant coach is ejected from any two (2) games during the season, s/he will be terminated from their position with the Youth Sports program. If the coach is a full-time employee, they will be reported to their immediate supervisor as well as the Directors of Recreation.