Denver Parks & Recreation Youth Sports

Parent / Spectator Do’s and Don’ts for League Play and Tournaments

• Cheer for your child
• Cheer for every other player on your child’s team
• Promote the importance of teamwork
• Celebrate great plays, regardless of who makes them
• Review rules so you understand this is a recreational league with modified rules by age division
• Understand the coaches and officials are human (we all make mistakes)
• Be positive, if you don’t have anything good to say just don’t say anything!
• Enjoy being at this recreational activity and have fun watching your child
• Be a great role model, behave in a way you would want others to behave towards you or your child
• Remember the game is for your child, not for you
• Encourage and demonstrate good sportsmanship
• Make sure your child knows how proud you are of them no matter what
• Be fully present in what’s happening so your child sees you’re truly there for them

• Criticize the coaching or officiating
• Complain about what you think is going wrong in the game
• Coach your child – or any of their teammates - from the sidelines
• Focus your child or their team on the importance of winning at any cost
• Encourage selfish or unfair play
• Model unsportsmanlike behavior, or even just fuming within yourself
• Be argumentative with other parents, the refs, or coaches
• Get loud, angry, or abusive
• Use alcohol or drugs before or during the game
• Directly or indirectly yell at or harass any players on the opposing team
• Get physical with other parents, coaches, or players
• Withhold love from your child if they don’t perform well (games increase stress and anxiety in kids)
• Tie your child’s self-worth with winning or losing (they are great kids regardless of this game)
• Live your life vicariously through your child and their sport
• Get distracted with your phone, work, or anything that isn’t just watching the game

Your child participating in youth sports is an opportunity for them to have fun, compete, and create memorable moments with their friends, teammates and you. Please relax and enjoy yourself while supporting your child and their team – we guarantee everyone is likely to have a great experience!